Nerd Out
Nerd Out Interviews
Nerd Out with Angel Carrillo Podcast

Nerd Out with Angel Carrillo Podcast

Listen to the podcast or watch my interview with Angel Carrillo on YouTube.

We discuss how he got into L&D, what were some of the cooler projects he's worked on and why we end up picking the same solutions over and over.

I think we get into the habit of reusing things because all you have to do is go on the internet Google something right and then you'll see the same program recycled. It might make sense there's very good things there's no need to reinvent the wheel every time I always go to Google and see whenever I get stuck I'm like why am I stuck? I go but then you have to think about okay where is this coming from what is it this actually trying to achieve what are the learning objectives of that program and are they the same as mine? The reason why I approached that program differently was because I was designing it but I was not by myself and I had a project team of HR business partners and some representation of our employees that were all women and it was really about sitting down and discussing and opening myself up to their experiences. One of them said well it's not like women can't communicate so why do we always have to do that training over and over again right and that just opened it up for me and made it very clear that yes you're right a program for women in leadership shouldn't be about what they lack. It should be more about what they need to navigate the system that might at times be against them and that goes for any underrepresented groups.

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